There’s a lot of buzz nowadays about branding and messaging in the marketplace. Just how important is it when it comes to real estate?
In a word? Very. The market in general has experienced a major shift in thinking about how critical branding is to both companies and agents. It’s no longer just your logo. It’s your all-encompassing reputation as a business.
A brand profile establishes a unique and distinct voice for all external and internal communications. It propagates a single, crystal clear perception of your values. Finally, it governs the messaging used everywhere—from your website, to social media campaigns and customer service.
You are the “boots-on-the-ground” ambassador of your brand. It’s you who interfaces with the public on a day-to-day basis. It’s critical that the face you put on is in perfect alignment with your overall brand trajectory. It’s estimated that there are upwards of 1.4 million licensed agents in the United States. So how do you stand out from the crowd?
A recent Forbes article defined 4 important steps to help you establish your brand:
Define your audience: Identify your most recent 15 clients and compare their similarities to formulate a common client persona. Then create content that plays into that differentiation. According to Forbes, “The content you share should convey the following message: “I am here to improve the process through which you find a home, and I am confident I am the best person to help you.”
Apply a little introspection: Clients are quick to stack up their agent’s personality and vision against their own. Ask yourself a few important questions:
- If the roles were reversed, would I buy a home from myself?
- What do people say after they do business with me?
- What unique ways have I streamlined the buying process for my clients?
- Do I help them save time and money?
- How can I keep the relationship forever?
Assess these questions honestly and course-correct your process. The more you see yourself as a client, the more you will attract new prospects and grow your business.
It’s more than just visuals: Your brand reputation includes consistency in such things as your mission, vision, voice, tone and visual elements such as your logo, color palette and image guidelines.
However, there’s a lot more to it. According to the Forbes article, “Real estate is a very emotional purchase, and part of an agent’s role is to help their clients navigate all the emotions that come with buying or selling a home. The only way to help your clients is by clearly understanding their needs, and no marketing template can help you with that. It must come from you. Embrace transparency.”
Be human: Authenticity goes a long way in nurturing relationships. Transparency builds trust, confidence, empathy and honesty—all great characteristics, both personally and in business.
Real estate is certainly a competitive industry. Creating your own unique voice will definitely set you apart and build your business to new heights.